Monday, February 8, 2016

Benefits of Email List Hygiene Service

Good list hygiene is a key best practice for any email program. You must get rid of invalid, non-responsive and duplicate email addresses every time.

Almost every email marketer worries about deliverability rates. Are they good enough? Could they be better? Are they about to drop because of some small mistake you’ve made or are about to make? While there are a dozen ways to maintain good deliverability rates, the most common way is by improving list hygiene.

Poor email list hygiene is a leading cause of email deliverability issues, inaccurate reporting and wasted delivery of email marketing.  One of the most common suggestions for cleaning a list is to remove inactive subscribers.

Email validation: Email marketing success starts with quality mailing list. Email validation can remove bad emails from your contact list, which can improve overall email performance with higher open rates and active. Email validation services clean lists by identifying spam traps, incorrect email formats, misspellings and invalid email domains. Regularly scrubbing your contact list to remove inactive subscribers can also improve deliverability.

Inactive contacts of the customers who haven’t opened your emails even after several months are essentially dead weight, dragging down email performance and clouding true insight around how active contacts are engaging with your content. Once you have a list of valid, active contacts, run a series of tests to get a benchmark for your engagement metrics. 

Best Email list hygiene service keeps your email lists up to date by identifying and purging bad, invalid, undeliverable and duplicate email data. It maximizes your mailer deliverability and response rates, also Ensures that your databases are current, accurate, and complete.