Friday, April 22, 2016

How to Build Targeted Email List for Online Business

Email marketing is a vital part of inbound marketing and we have been looking into few aspect of Email marketing in the past. One thing which we majorly forget as Blogger is it’s never about quantity of Email subscriber but it’s all about getting targeted Email list.

As you know that email marketing could bring us a lot of benefits while we are doing online business. We can keep in touch with our clients and customers and they can receive all of information that we updates immediately. But to get a big and targeted mailing list, we should concentrate about what our customers need and offer them what they want. Moreover just building a list doesn’t help in long run, better idea is to have targeted mailing list.

Creating a Free Targeted Email list for maximum Profit:

If you have fallen in the marketing gimmick of bulk Email list and those ads like buy thousands of Email list, you should rethink and analyze your strategy.  Such investment is bad investment and instead of getting quality and targeted people in your Email list, you will end up sending Emails to people who are not so interested in your list. Best of the Email list is created only when you are getting interested people to subscribe to your Email newsletter.

Drive targeted traffic: This is the most important part. If your customers are targeted you will get the full benefits. I have two best effective ways to get that traffic to my squeeze page. One is using PPC network like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. 

It’s very easy and effective way but we need to spend some money on it. But I prefer the second one that uses forum marketing. You should find some big and high page rank forums which are related to your niche and start post some good thread on those forums. Then fill in your profile with your page URL. Do not forget to put your page URL at your signature. It’s a very good way to get quality traffic to your page and also increase subscribers.

By: Asus