Friday, March 18, 2016

Advantages of Job Title Appending Service

InfoGlobalData services can add latest and correct job-titles to your database, so that you can do more effective targeted marketing.

Title Appending:

Alternate Contact Append is a powerful solution of adding an alternate contact (records) from the same company to your business, customer and prospecting records. It's a great way to reach multiple decision makers within the same company. 

This alternate contact append ensure your message reaches at least one of the decision makers from your targeted company, try to get accurate contact details with precise job title and other contact information. Maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns knowing who you are targeting.

Benefits of title appending:

  • Enable personalized messages
  • Generates better response
  • Improve the brand value
  • Enhance one-to-one communication
  • Enable segmentation of your marketing database
  • Improve your conversion rates

Job Title Appending: Are you sending the right message to the right person in your target company?
Your message would make sense only if it is customized for the person it is intended for.
Most of the companies do not have job titles in their prospect database. Titles are very critical for effective targeting and incorrect titles reduce the response of any campaign. We can add latest and correct job-titles to your database, so that you can do more effective marketing. It is a simple and powerful service of adding correct job titles to your customer/prospect file. It's a great way to target your customized message. It is the success rate of appending correct job titles to the client's database.

Job title appending service can append full contact details such as:-

      Physical address,
      Phone number,
      Fax number,
      Email address,
      Area code…

Alternate Contact Appending: We can add contact details of other people from the same company or functional area to your database. It is a simple and powerful service of adding alternate contacts from the same company to your customer/prospect file. It’s a great way to reach multiple people in the same organization.

Title appends solution: It enables you to effectively update your database with the current job titles of your prospects. The enhanced data will help you to target your prospects with personalized marketing messages. Adding job titles to your records can turn an incomplete database to a fully fledged database.

 Generate Maximum leads with correct title targeting: Win back your customers by sending effective customer-focused targeted messages to the correct title holders. Empower your email marketing to connect to the right business clients and bring effective returns from your marketing.