Monday, April 4, 2016

Send an Accurate Mail which will never reach Spam Folder!!

Spam filters on email servers are installed at different levels. For example, a hard spam filter means your message will land in the spam/junk folder if it contains large images, large attachments, incorrect links, spam words in content or subject line, forms and scripts, long subject lines or if you have a bad sender reputation. Meanwhile, low spam filtering means your message will land in the spam folder only if it contains a lot of spam words.

Why Your Email may land in the Spam Folder

Incorrect links: If the email contains non-existent or incorrect links, it may land in the spam folder. If you tract HTML clicks within HTML campaigns, the Internet service providers (ISPs) can identify them as SCAM and forward to the spam folder. In HTML messages, email software often automatically recognizes text as links starting with http://. And if this text already contains a link, it may seem very suspicious and these messages are often caught by spam filters.

Spam words in the email content and subject line: Email Servers’ anti-spam software is made to catch emails containing specific words or word combinations in the email content or subject line. It is also possible to manually enrich this spam list by typing spam words and criteria, and then watching what will happen if spam filters recognize potential threats in the email. Most email service providers use third-party services like Cloud mark to keep their spam word list database up-to date.

Large attachments: If you want your email campaign to be delivered as fast as possible, do not attach large files. The recommended size of attachment is up to 1MB, maximum – 10 MB. Make sure you have reduced the attachment size as much as you could.

Forms and scripts in email content: Do not insert scripts and forms in email content. Almost all email programs block script codes. It means that even if the recipient receives your message, forms and scripts will not work anyway.

Long subject lines: Do not write subject lines longer than 50 characters. Most email programs do not have the space to display subject lines consisting of more than 50 characters. Also, leave the most important information for email content. Once again – beware of spam words in the email subject line.

Emails are not opened for a long time: Some ISPs practice the following: if your sent emails are not opened for a long time, then your further emails for the same recipient will land in spam folder. To land them in inbox folder, the recipient must open at least some of your messages or you have to change the sender IP.

By: Aleksandrs Vilums